[W3C Check]TFW's Web LPM III / Proof Of Concept / Name Guess (More Than English): View - AJAJ

Page: [tfw/web/lpm/01_poc/02_name_guess/ajaj.html] (v2024-02-20_00-00)

AJAJ input and result page of [Name Guess (More Than English)] sample.
Input a name into any one of the forms below, then submit and wait for the result from the server.
JavaScript ../../../../lpm/01_poc/02_name_guess/ajax.js
Name =
(Has parameter "cmd=guess_name_json" in the attribute "action" of the form, seems OK.)
Name =
(Has parameter "cmd=guess_name_json" inside the form, seems OK.)
Name =
(Has parameter "cmd=guess_name_json" in the attribute "action" of the form, seems OK.)
Name =
(Has parameter "cmd=guess_name_json" inside the form, seems OK.)
Name =
(Has "application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8" in the attribute "enctype" of the form, seems OK.)
Name =
(Has "application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=GB2312" in the attribute "enctype" of the form, seems ???)

Show All Form Information AJAJ Information Parsed Result Hide All