Class Version: 2014-12-30_20-20.year_end |
Logout: |
Login / Re-login: |
Access Check: |
Available Function List: |
Available Function Tree: |
svcDoLogout(...) |
svcDoLogin(...) |
svcCheckAccess(...) |
svcListUserFunctions(...) |
svcListUserFunctionTree(...) |
Judges whether the necessary data / parameters have been received. |
Judges whether the necessary data / parameters have been received. |
Generates the function list. |
Generates the function tree. |
Failure Point(s):
Failure Point(s):
Checks the function according to its ID. |
Exit Point(s):
checkUser(... with password ...) Checks the user according to its ID-password pare / name-password pare. Filters password away after checking. |
checkUser(... without password ...) Checks the user according to its ID / name. Filters password away after checking. |
Failure Point(s):
Failure Point(s):
checkUGMs(...) Checks the UGM(s) of the user according to user ID. |
Failure Point(s):
checkGroups(...) Checks the Groups(s) of the user according to group ID(s) in UGM(s). |
Failure Point(s):
Erases old data of previous login. |
checkGFMs(...) Checks the GFM(s) of the user according to group ID(s). |
Failure Point(s):
Manipulates user and enabled / non-enabled group(s) data according to login type. |
Checks whether the function is in the GFM(s) of the user's group(s) according to its ID. |
checkFunctions(...) Checks the functions according to their IDs in the GFM(s) of the user's group(s). |
Failure Point(s):
Iterates the rows function list; Gives the "accessible" attribute to the suitable row, according to the check result in the previous steps and the control level of the current row. |
Iterates the nodes in the function tree; Gives the "accessible" attribute to the suitable row, according to the check result in the previous steps and the control level of the current node; Also gives the "accessible" attribute to the parent node of an accessible node. |