Valid XHTML 1.0 TransitionalOracle PL/SQL Review (P1)

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  1. PL/SQL 基本概念:
    1. 是 Oracle 对 SQL 的扩展。
    2. 是由标准、通用的数据库操作语言扩展为数据库编程语言。
    3. 可在 Oracle 数据库上构建交互式程序和自动执行程序。
  2. PL/SQL 编程:
    1. 基本赋值、输入、输出:
      1. 为变量赋值,并打印:
        • 程序:
          -- Global variable(s) declaring.
          variable vch2Hello varchar2(16);
          -- The most simple and basic value assignment, in a block.
          begin :vch2Hello := 'Hello Kitty!';end;
          / -- Block executing command?
          -- Printing global variable value(s).
          print vch2Hello;
          print :vch2Hello;
          1. ”外能声明变量,但包括赋值在内的大多数操作只能在“”内完成。
          2. 在“”内处理“”外的全局变量时,要在全局变量前加冒号
        • 运行:
          [typhoon@TFW-CENT6-LT ~]$ NLS_LANG="SIMPLIFIED CHINESE_CHINA.AL32UTF8" ORACLE_SID=███ sqlplus ███/███;
          SQL*Plus: Release Production on █████ █ ████ ██
          Copyright (c) 1982, 2009, Oracle.  All rights reserved.
          Oracle Database 11g Release - 64bit Production
          SQL> variable vch2Hello varchar2(16);
          SQL> begin :vch2Hello := 'Hello Kitty!';end;
            2  /
          PL/SQL 过程已成功完成。
          SQL> print vch2Hello;
          Hello Kitty!
          SQL> print :vch2Hello;
          Hello Kitty!
          SQL> exit;
          从 Oracle Database 11g Release - 64bit Production 断开
          [typhoon@TFW-CENT6-LT ~]$
      2. 在前一样例基础上做“块”内打印:
        • 程序:
          -- Enable display option for "dbms_output.put_line(...)".
          set serveroutput on;
          -- Global variable(s) declaring.
          variable vch2Hello varchar2(16);
          -- Operation block.
          begin -- Mandatory core of the block.
          	dbms_output.put_line('Block - OUTER-BLOCK VARIABLE value assigning and printing:');
          	:vch2Hello := 'Hello Kitty!';
          	dbms_output.put_line('Value of [:vch2Hello]: ['||:vch2Hello||']');
          / -- Block executing command?
          -- Printing global variable value(s).
          print vch2Hello;
          print :vch2Hello;
        • 运行:
          [typhoon@TFW-CENT6-LT ~]$ NLS_LANG="SIMPLIFIED CHINESE_CHINA.AL32UTF8" ORACLE_SID=███ sqlplus ███/███;
          SQL*Plus: Release Production on █████ █ ████ ██
          Copyright (c) 1982, 2009, Oracle.  All rights reserved.
          Oracle Database 11g Release - 64bit Production
          SQL> set serveroutput on;
          SQL> variable vch2Hello varchar2(16);
          SQL> begin
            2     dbms_output.put_line('Block - OUTER-BLOCK VARIABLE value assigning and printing:');
            3     :vch2Hello := 'Hello Kitty!';
            4     dbms_output.put_line('Value of [:vch2Hello]: ['||:vch2Hello||']');
            5  end;
            6  /
          Block - OUTER-BLOCK VARIABLE value assigning and printing:
          Value of [:vch2Hello]: [Hello Kitty!]
          PL/SQL 过程已成功完成。
          SQL> print vch2Hello;
          Hello Kitty!
          SQL> print :vch2Hello;
          Hello Kitty!
          SQL> exit;
          从 Oracle Database 11g Release - 64bit Production 断开
          [typhoon@TFW-CENT6-LT ~]$
      3. 接收用户数入、将输入内容赋给变量、打印变量值及处理异常
        • 程序:
          -- Enable display option for "dbms_output.put_line(...)".
          set serveroutput on;
          -- Accepting user input into buffer(s) with prompt.
          accept bufNum prompt 'Enter number here: ';
          accept bufText prompt 'Enter text (length ≤ 16) here: ';
          -- Global variable(s) declaring.
          variable numNum number;
          variable vch2Text varchar2(16);
          -- Operation block.
          begin -- Mandatory core of the block.
          	dbms_output.put_line('Block - Accept value from prompt, then assign into OUTER-BLOCK VARIABLE, then print:');
          	-- Getting non-text value from buffer, no need (but able) to use single quote symbol.
          	:numNum := &bufNum;
          	dbms_output.put_line('Value of [:numNum]: ['||:numNum||']');
          	-- Getting text value from buffer, requires single quote symbol.
          	:vch2Text := '&bufText';
          	dbms_output.put_line('Value of [:vch2Text]: ['||:vch2Text||']');
          exception when others then -- No matter what exception it is.
          	dbms_output.put_line('Exception: '||dbms_utility.format_error_backtrace||' '||SQLERRM);
          	-- raise; -- Similar to "throw" in Java; commented, not to throw in this sample.
          / -- Block executing command?
          -- Printing global variable value(s).
          print numNum;
          print vch2Text;
          exception ...”:用户输入是不可信任的,需要考虑出现异常的情况;添加此保险措施,捕获异常、打印详细信息。
        • 运行:
          1. 正常运行:
            SQL> set serveroutput on;
            SQL> accept bufNum prompt 'Enter number here: ';
            Enter number here: 255
            SQL> accept bufText prompt 'Enter text (length ≤ 16) here: ';
            Enter text (length ≤ 16) here: Hello Apple!
            SQL> variable numNum number;
            SQL> variable vch2Text varchar2(16);
            SQL> begin
              2     dbms_output.put_line('Block - Accept value from prompt, then assign into OUTER-BLOCK VARIABLE, then print:');
              3     :numNum := &bufNum;
              4     dbms_output.put_line('Value of [:numNum]: ['||:numNum||']');
              5     :vch2Text := '&bufText';
              6     dbms_output.put_line('Value of [:vch2Text]: ['||:vch2Text||']');
              7  exception when others then
              8     dbms_output.put_line('Exception: '||dbms_utility.format_error_backtrace||' '||SQLERRM);
              9  end;
             10  /
            原值    3:      :numNum := &bufNum;
            新值    3:      :numNum := 255;
            原值    5:      :vch2Text := '&bufText';
            新值    5:      :vch2Text := 'Hello Apple!';
            Block - Accept value from prompt, then assign into OUTER-BLOCK VARIABLE, then print:
            Value of [:numNum]: [255]
            Value of [:vch2Text]: [Hello Apple!]
            PL/SQL 过程已成功完成。
            SQL> print numNum;
            SQL> print vch2Text;
            Hello Apple!
          2. 人为制造“长度超过缓冲区”异常:
            SQL> set serveroutput on;
            SQL> accept bufNum prompt 'Enter number here: ';
            Enter number here: -512
            SQL> accept bufText prompt 'Enter text (length ≤ 16) here: ';
            Enter text (length ≤ 16) here: Long long long long...
            SQL> variable numNum number;
            SQL> variable vch2Text varchar2(16);
            SQL> begin
              2     dbms_output.put_line('Block - Accept value from prompt, then assign into OUTER-BLOCK VARIABLE, then print:');
              3     :numNum := &bufNum;
              4     dbms_output.put_line('Value of [:numNum]: ['||:numNum||']');
              5     :vch2Text := '&bufText';
              6     dbms_output.put_line('Value of [:vch2Text]: ['||:vch2Text||']');
              7  exception when others then
              8     dbms_output.put_line('Exception: '||dbms_utility.format_error_backtrace||' '||SQLERRM);
              9  end;
             10  /
            原值    3:      :numNum := &bufNum;
            新值    3:      :numNum := -512;
            原值    5:      :vch2Text := '&bufText';
            新值    5:      :vch2Text := 'Long long long long...';
            Block - Accept value from prompt, then assign into OUTER-BLOCK VARIABLE, then print:
            Value of [:numNum]: [-512]
            Exception: ORA-06512: 在 line 5
             ORA-06502: PL/SQL: 数字或值错误 :
            PL/SQL 过程已成功完成。
            SQL> print numNum;
            SQL> print vch2Text;
            • 异常发生在“”内部,第 5 行处。
            • 异常发生前的流程执行正常,数字型被值从 buffer 中取出并赋给相应的变量。
            • 从 buffer 向字符串型变量赋值时,值的长度超过变量的容纳限度,发生异常,“”内的正常运行流程被打断,赋值未成功,也未用 dbms_output 打印。
      4. 将“块”外变量的值赋给“块”内变量,并打印:
        • 程序:
          -- Enable display option for "dbms_output.put_line(...)".
          set serveroutput on;
          -- Accepting user input into buffer(s) with prompt.
          accept bufText prompt 'Enter text (length ≤ 16) here: ';
          -- Global variable(s) declaring.
          variable vch2OuterText varchar2(16);
          -- Operation block.
          	-- Block local variable(s) declaring.
          	vch2InnerText varchar2(16);
          begin -- Mandatory core of the block.
          	dbms_output.put_line('Block - Assigning value from OUTER-BLOCK VARIABLE to INNER-BLOCK VARIABLE, and printing:');
          	-- Assigning value from buffer to OUTER-BLOCK VARIABLE.
          	:vch2OuterText := '&bufText';
          	dbms_output.put_line('Value of [:vch2OuterText] : ['||:vch2OuterText||']');
          	-- Assigning value from buffer to INNER-BLOCK VARIABLE.
          	vch2InnerText := '&bufText';
          	dbms_output.put_line('Value of  [vch2InnerText] : ['||vch2InnerText||']');
          	-- Assigning value from OUTER-BLOCK VARIABLE to INNER-BLOCK VARIABLE.
          	vch2InnerText := :vch2OuterText;
          	dbms_output.put_line('Value of [vch2InnerText] 2: ['||vch2InnerText||']');
          exception when others then -- No matter what exception it is.
          	dbms_output.put_line('Exception: '||dbms_utility.format_error_backtrace||' '||SQLERRM);
          	-- raise; -- Similar to "throw" in Java; commented, not to throw in this sample.
          / -- Block executing command?
          -- Printing global variable value(s).
          print vch2OuterText;
        • 运行:
          SQL> set serveroutput on;
          SQL> accept bufText prompt 'Enter text (length ≤ 16) here: ';
          Enter text (length ≤ 16) here: 测试场
          SQL> variable vch2OuterText varchar2(16);
          SQL> declare vch2InnerText varchar2(16); -- Block local variable(s) declaring.
            2  begin
            3     dbms_output.put_line('Block - Assigning value from OUTER-BLOCK VARIABLE to INNER-BLOCK VARIABLE, and printing:');
            4     :vch2OuterText := '&bufText';
            5     dbms_output.put_line('Value of [:vch2OuterText] : ['||:vch2OuterText||']');
            6     vch2InnerText := '&bufText';
            7     dbms_output.put_line('Value of  [vch2InnerText] : ['||vch2InnerText||']');
            8     vch2InnerText := :vch2OuterText;
            9     dbms_output.put_line('Value of [vch2InnerText] 2: ['||vch2InnerText||']');
           10  exception when others then
           11     dbms_output.put_line('Exception: '||dbms_utility.format_error_backtrace||' '||SQLERRM);
           12  end;
           13  /
          原值    4:      :vch2OuterText := '&bufText';
          新值    4:      :vch2OuterText := '测试场';
          原值    5:      :vch2OuterText := '&bufText';
          新值    5:      :vch2OuterText := '测试场';
          原值    7:      vch2InnerText := '&bufText';
          新值    7:      vch2InnerText := '测试场';
          Block - Assigning value from OUTER-BLOCK VARIABLE to INNER-BLOCK VARIABLE, and
          Value of [:vch2OuterText] : [测试场]
          Value of  [vch2InnerText] : [测试场]
          Value of [vch2InnerText] 2: [测试场]
          PL/SQL 过程已成功完成。
          SQL> print vch2OuterText;
      5. 将“块”内变量的值赋给“块”外变量,并打印:
        • 程序:
          -- Enable display option for "dbms_output.put_line(...)".
          set serveroutput on;
          -- Accepting user input into buffer(s) with prompt.
          accept bufText prompt 'Enter text (length ≤ 16) here: ';
          -- Global variable(s) declaring.
          variable vch2OuterText varchar2(16);
          -- Operation block.
          declare vch2InnerText varchar2(16); -- Block local variable(s) declaring.
          begin -- Mandatory core of the block.
          	dbms_output.put_line('Block - Assigning value from INNER-BLOCK VARIABLE to OUTER-BLOCK VARIABLE, and printing:');
          	-- Assigning value from buffer to INNER-BLOCK VARIABLE.
          	vch2InnerText := '&bufText';
          	dbms_output.put_line('Value of  [vch2InnerText] : ['||vch2InnerText||']');
          	-- Assigning value from INNER-BLOCK VARIABLE to OUTER-BLOCK VARIABLE.
          	:vch2OuterText := vch2InnerText;
          	dbms_output.put_line('Value of [:vch2OuterText] : ['||:vch2OuterText||']');
          exception when others then -- No matter what exception it is.
          	dbms_output.put_line('Exception: '||dbms_utility.format_error_backtrace||' '||SQLERRM);
          	-- raise; -- Similar to "throw" in Java; commented, not to throw in this sample.
          / -- Block executing command?
          -- Printing global variable value(s).
          print vch2OuterText;
        • 运行:
          SQL> set serveroutput on;
          SQL> accept bufText prompt 'Enter text (length ≤ 16) here: ';
          Enter text (length ≤ 16) here: 菜市口
          SQL> variable vch2OuterText varchar2(16);
          SQL> declare vch2InnerText varchar2(16);
            2  begin
            3     dbms_output.put_line('Block - Assigning value from INNER-BLOCK VARIABLE to OUTER-BLOCK VARIABLE, and printing:');
            4     vch2InnerText := '&bufText';
            5     dbms_output.put_line('Value of  [vch2InnerText] : ['||vch2InnerText||']');
            6     :vch2OuterText := vch2InnerText;
            7     dbms_output.put_line('Value of [:vch2OuterText] : ['||:vch2OuterText||']');
            8  exception when others then
            9     dbms_output.put_line('Exception: '||dbms_utility.format_error_backtrace||' '||SQLERRM);
           10  end;
           11  /
          原值    4:      vch2InnerText := '&bufText';
          新值    4:      vch2InnerText := '菜市口';
          Block - Assigning value from INNER-BLOCK VARIABLE to OUTER-BLOCK VARIABLE, and
          Value of  [vch2InnerText] : [菜市口]
          Value of [:vch2OuterText] : [菜市口]
          PL/SQL 过程已成功完成。
          SQL> print vch2OuterText;
      6. “块”嵌套:
        • 程序:
          -- Enable display option for "dbms_output.put_line(...)".
          set serveroutput on;
          -- Global variable(s) declaring and initializing.
          variable vch2TextOuter varchar2(32);
          begin :vch2TextOuter := 'Global Unchanged.';end;
          / -- Block executing command?
          print vch2TextOuter;
          -- Outer block.
          declare vch2Text varchar2(16) := 'Unchanged.';
          	dbms_output.put_line('[S] Outer block');
          	dbms_output.put_line('Value of [vch2Text]      : ['||vch2Text||']');
          	dbms_output.put_line('Value of [:vch2TextOuter]: ['||:vch2TextOuter||']');
          	-- Inner block.
          	declare vch2TextDeep varchar2(16) := 'Deep.';
          		dbms_output.put_line('[S] Inner block');
          		vch2Text := 'Changed.';
          		:vch2TextOuter := 'Global Changed.';
          		-- Changing the value of the IN-BLOCK VARIABLE of outer-block.
          		dbms_output.put_line('Value of [vch2Text]      : ['||vch2Text||']');
          		-- Changing the value of the GLOBAL VARIABLE.
          		dbms_output.put_line('Value of [:vch2TextOuter]: ['||:vch2TextOuter||']');
          		dbms_output.put_line('[E] Inner block');
          	exception when others then -- No matter what exception it is.
          		dbms_output.put_line('Exception: '||dbms_utility.format_error_backtrace||' '||SQLERRM);
          	dbms_output.put_line('Value of [vch2Text]      : ['||vch2Text||']');
          	dbms_output.put_line('Value of [:vch2TextOuter]: ['||:vch2TextOuter||']');
          	-- Causes "not declared" error.
          	-- dbms_output.put_line('Value of [vch2TextDeep]  : ['||vch2TextDeep||']');
          	dbms_output.put_line('[E] Outer block');
          exception when others then -- No matter what exception it is.
          	dbms_output.put_line('Exception: '||dbms_utility.format_error_backtrace||' '||SQLERRM);
          -- Showing possible error(s).
          show errors;
          -- Printing global variable value(s).
          print vch2TextOuter;
        • 运行:
          SQL> set serveroutput on;
          SQL> variable vch2TextOuter varchar2(32);
          SQL> begin :vch2TextOuter := 'Global Unchanged.';end;
            2  /
          PL/SQL 过程已成功完成。
          SQL> print vch2TextOuter;
          Global Unchanged.
          SQL> declare vch2Text varchar2(16) := 'Unchanged.';
            2  begin
            3     dbms_output.put_line('[S] Outer block');
            4     dbms_output.put_line('Value of [vch2Text]      : ['||vch2Text||']');
            5     dbms_output.put_line('Value of [:vch2TextOuter]: ['||:vch2TextOuter||']');
            6     declare vch2TextDeep varchar2(16) := 'Deep.';
            7     begin
            8             dbms_output.put_line('[S] Inner block');
            9             vch2Text := 'Changed.';
           10             :vch2TextOuter := 'Global Changed.';
           11             dbms_output.put_line('Value of [vch2Text]      : ['||vch2Text||']');
           12             dbms_output.put_line('Value of [:vch2TextOuter]: ['||:vch2TextOuter||']');
           13             dbms_output.put_line('[E] Inner block');
           14     exception when others then
           15             dbms_output.put_line('Exception: '||dbms_utility.format_error_backtrace||' '||SQLERRM);
           16     end;
           17     dbms_output.put_line('Value of [vch2Text]      : ['||vch2Text||']');
           18     dbms_output.put_line('Value of [:vch2TextOuter]: ['||:vch2TextOuter||']');
           19     dbms_output.put_line('[E] Outer block');
           20  exception when others then
           21     dbms_output.put_line('Exception: '||dbms_utility.format_error_backtrace||' '||SQLERRM);
           22  end;
           23  /
          [S] Outer block
          Value of [vch2Text]      : [Unchanged.]
          Value of [:vch2TextOuter]: [Global Unchanged.]
          [S] Inner block
          Value of [vch2Text]      : [Changed.]
          Value of [:vch2TextOuter]: [Global Changed.]
          [E] Inner block
          Value of [vch2Text]      : [Changed.]
          Value of [:vch2TextOuter]: [Global Changed.]
          [E] Outer block
          PL/SQL 过程已成功完成。
          SQL> show errors;
          SQL> print vch2TextOuter;
          Global Changed.
          • 内层“块”  能访问、修改外层“块”中声明的变量,也能访问、修改“块”外全局变量。
          • 外层“块”不能访问、修改内层“块”中声明的变量。
    2. ……